There seems to be an endless list of things we hear people say they cured with acupuncture. Everyone has that one health nut or alternative lifestyle living friend who sought the help of those little needles from China, but do they really work? And if so, are they really a solution to all the things that people use them for?
Acupuncture is a service that many chiropractic offices offer, and it is one of the most common procedures for many issues dealt with by chiropractors. It is commonly associated with bone and muscle pain, such as low back and neck pain, arthritis, sciatica, or fibromyalgia; however it can also aid in improving disordered digestion. Acupuncture has even been used to treat emotional disorders ranging from stress to addiction and anxiety, as well as for weight loss and infertility. Acupuncture during pregnancy is linked to decreased nausea and other symptoms, but it is speculated whether, and if so, to what degree, it is safe.
Developed in China about 2,000 years ago as a method to keep a person’s yin and yang in balance, and despite not always being officially “medical” in the United States, has been monitored in patients by scientists…and whether or not you believe in the yin and the yang, you can be sure that acupuncture offers real results.
Still skeptical about acupuncture? Contrary to popular belief, being stuck with most acupuncture needles is not painful, and the needles do not usually leave marks. An acupuncture needle is so almost microscopically thin that you will barely, if at all, feel it; and marks left, if any, are usually barely noticeable and disappear quickly. Furthermore, acupuncture is regulated by the United States FDA, which requires that needles be sterile and for one time use only.
Acupuncturists are required to undergo several years of training to become licensed practitioners, because the placement and the treatment of needles is the set of skills required to perform acupuncture are incredibly precise, and a needle injected into a wrong place can be a detriment. This is just one reason that you should make sure your acupuncturist is licensed.
The next step would be to find an acupuncturist or a chiropractor who practices acupuncture in your area. As many chiropractic offices feature acupuncture services, you may want to talk to your own, tried and trusted chiropractor about what other services their office offers, and if they don’t have acupuncture, they can probably recommend another practitioner. Don’t go to a chiropractor? You can have the same talk with your doctor, and, in fact, it is probably wise to start here.
Again, once you find a chiropractor or acupuncturist, you should always make sure that the practitioner is licensed, and do not be afraid to ask any questions you have of them. A long time trusted chiropractic firm that puts your health first.