Acupuncture Clinics – Ancient Wisdom With A Modern Twist

With the ever-increasing popularity of acupuncture as an alternative medicine, it’s shouldn’t be all that surprising to learn acupuncture clinics appear to be popping up in virtually every American city of any size. As a result, receiving treatment that will help restore good health is becoming more and more popular at acupuncture clinics.

Acupuncture clinics are a great place for getting timely diagnosis, treatment and patient care. The patient receives individual care and their case can be discussed, studied and reviewed with a qualified acupuncturist. Appropriate acupuncture points and treatment techniques can be identified that will suit each individual patient.

Chinese Herbal Medicines
In addition, some acupuncture clinics offer a variety of treatment options in addition to traditional acupuncture like Chinese herbal medicines. For those who are not sure of which is best being face to face with a staff member can really help in making an appropriate treatment decision.

Acupuncture clinics also focus on treating other health issues like: menopausal symptoms (i.e. hot flashes and fatigue), PMS and heavy periods, gynecological problems such as period pain, endometriosis, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches and migraines, anxiety and panic attacks, depression, auto-immune conditions like lupus and a host of other ailments.

When faced with a health condition that traditional modern medicine can’t diagnose the next logical step many people are now turning too for help is an acupuncture clinic. All treatments are considered safe with virtually no known harmful side effects.

One example of an acupuncture clinic is the Po Ji Tang in San Francisco. The Po Ji Tangs philosophy centers around complete health care. They believe and follow a holistic, preventive approach to pain relief and they offer a number of healthcare services in addition to acupuncture like: dietary and nutritional counseling, herbal therapy and traditional Chinese medicine is used to treat patients having a great number of different emotional, physical and psychological issues.

More and more are turning to acupuncture clinics because they embrace the use of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs in combination with acupuncture, whose effectiveness is thus increased due to synergy. Unlike modern medicine, acupuncture clinics spend time learning the patient’s background, lifestyle and habits before diagnosing and chalking out an effective treatment plan. To begin with, many patients receive treatments once a week which is gradually reduced as their health improves. All in all, going to acupuncture clinic should result getting professional treatment from a registered medical practitioner using time proven methods of natural healing without having to rely on drugs.

For more information on Acupuncture, Holistic Health and Chinese Medicine, check out the links below.