Acupuncture Is A Really Effective Treatment For Migraines
Migraines affect more than 28 million Americans, and females are the ones mostly affected compared to males.
The most significant symptom of a migraine is a severe headache that affects one side only. It usually lasts for 4 to 72 hours. The headache is often accompanied with unusual sensations such as seeing bright or colored lights, nausea, vomiting, blind spots and tingling in the arms and legs. These symptoms may be experienced for a few days to a month or even more.
Migraines run in the family. People suffering from such headaches belong to families whose relatives have also experienced it. These attacks may be triggered by the following:
Personality factors (people who tend to be perfectionists)
Menstrual cycles
Birth control pills
Initial stage of a female’s menopause
Lack of sleep
Exposure to smoke and alcohol
Migraine treatments give emphasis on the prevention of triggers, control of symptoms, and of medication intake. Some of these treatments include diet changes, exercise, prescription drugs, vitamins, enough sleep, surgery and others. Still, these do not give long-term relief to migraine sufferers. Some medications tend to cause abdominal pains and often result in more and more headaches.
In another perspective, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) made use of acupuncture for treating many illnesses. Acupuncture is believed to be a very good treatment for migraines. There have been several studies already on the effectiveness of acupuncture and Chinese medicine for the treatment and prevention of migraines.
Based on Chinese beliefs, energy resides in all living processes, known as “qi” When this energy becomes imbalanced, certain diseases will occur. Acupuncture aims at “qi” so that a body’s imbalances return to normal.
Basically, acupuncture is performed by inserting very fine needles into the body’s acupuncture points by licensed acupuncturists. This is done to stimulate proper physiological functioning of a person’s body. It is also used in combination with Moxibustion, wherein heat is produced by burning special herbs on or near the acupuncture point.
There are a variety of approaches on how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can be done to treat migraine and other conditions. But one thing is clear about acupuncture; it is sure to be effective at helping you get rid of migraine attacks.
Would you rather rely on prescription drugs that cause side effects? You’ll only be spending more on it without actually getting the best health results you deserve. Think about it! Other than sleep, proper exercise, proper diet and vitamins, try considering acupuncture treatments.
The Chinese have used acupuncture for centuries. They are well known for these treatments. So, why should you spend time and money on unreliable medications? If you want to be free from severe headaches and migraines, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine treatment is definitely worth a try!