A Deeper Thought on Acupuncture
The Idea behind Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical technique that uses acupuncture needles. It’s in line with the concept of energy called Chi or life force and yin-yang. Yin and yang are two principles of water and fire instinctive in most organs in the body. The ancient Chinese deemed that activities of the body are the outcome of the yin and yang interaction. The comparative harmony of these two opposite principles comprises well-being and tranquillity in the body. On the other hand, the Chi flow influences the whole aspect of the person. It is channelled though pathways called meridians. Acupuncturists believe that when something hinders or unbalances your Chi and yin-yang, it triggers not only physical illnesses but also mental and emotional ailments. The TCM versus EBM: As acupuncture became well known all over the world, Western medicine using evidence-based medicine (EBM) took a doubtful position concerning the Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) approach. In TCM, patients undergo four diagnostic methods before acupuncture needles are inserted into the skin. First, the diagnosis concentrates on the face and especially the tongue, presence and absence of teeth marks and the pulse. It is followed by olfaction and auscultation. After that, the patient receives inquiries regarding the urge for food, chills and fever, taste and thirst, defecation and urination, discomfort, and sleep disorder. In EBM, an initial consultation is followed involving scientific investigations into the relevant anatomy, body structure, and pathology of a disease process, put together with a pharmacological information and objective analysis of the patients data obtained under experimental conditions. Although there are numerous arguments regarding the different approaches and standards used during the process, each endeavours to provide the most effective treatment for the patient. The Thin but Powerful Needle: Acupuncture has been effective in helping people. Various acupuncture needles are used during the process. They come in a variety of sizes and diameters, depending on their intended use, and on which part of the body they are to be utilized. Unlike the hollow hypodermic needles which have a cutting end, these solid needles have a pointed end. Most needles are filiform or thread-like which includes specialized needles such as the press needles, intradermal needles and three-edged needles. As these acupuncture needles penetrate the skin, hygiene is a major concern. Commonly pre-sterilized single use needle are used which are discarded after each client treatment. During the acupuncture treatment the inserted needles create numbness and a tingling sensation termed as De-qi in Chinese or the arrival of Chi. If De-qi is not generated, then incorrect location of the acupoint, inappropriate level of needle insertion, insufficient manual manipulation, or a very vulnerable constitution of the patient has to be considered. If unresolved, it decreases the likelihood of a successful treatment. The Efficacy of Acupuncture: Studies have indicated very promising results for the use of acupuncture. These benefits are supported by science, providing more credibility as a medical procedure. With acupuncture gaining positive results from patients with varying ailments, it has attained the esteem of modern medicine. Acupuncture is truly a blessing to the world. The healing powers of this traditional method using acupuncture needles placed in the proper acupoints are without a doubt great to anyone who seeks an alternative cure to the established Western medicine.