Degree in Acupuncture

Today acupuncture is the best way to get rid of all disease just by applying pressure on specific points on body, hands and feet. It opens the blocked channels and improves the blood and energy flow in the affected area. It is worldwide accepted for quick result of healing chronic problems.

Degree in acupuncture

Nowadays there are many professional degree courses in acupuncture such as -BSc- (Hons) in acupuncture, -M.Ac- (master’s in acupuncture), -M.S.Ac- (master’s of science in acupuncture), -M.S.O.M- (master’s of science in oriental medicine), and -M.A.O.M.- (master of acupuncture and oriental medicine).

In these degree courses they provide comprehensive professional education in acupuncture. These acupuncture degree courses result in the same certified qualification and qualification to apply for enrollment with British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) and practice as a certified acupuncturist after 3 years. The development of these degree programs incorporates the medical theories of both East and West. With these degree program students will learn the classical as well as modern acupuncture plus oriental medical theory. The main goal of Masters degree of acupuncture Science is to offer acupuncture as well as Oriental medical training coherent with the growing practices on Asia and the raising advanced healthcare system in the USA.

If you want to choose your profession as an acupuncturist then you must graduate from an approved school of acupuncture with a Masters Degree in Acupuncture or Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and each state has different licensing requirements.

About BSc (Hons) in acupuncture

BSc (Hons) in acupuncture degree is the ideal course for students who don’t have previous University experience and it is planned to provide you a plethora of structure as well as counseling in the initial years as you develop your confidence. But, if you previously have a 1st year degree, you may also pick out this option instead of the MSc. The BSc in acupuncture is an absolute professional training as well as finally you will be a competent qualified practitioner in order to enroll for membership of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC). If a bachelor degree in a health care or alternative medicine related subject will be especially helpful for career as an acupuncturist. BSc in acupuncture degree course will be completed in three years.

About MSc in acupuncture

The MSc in acupuncture degree courses for those students who have already have a first degree or degree equivalent professional qualification or work experience, have the option to pursue their practitioner training with this degree course. The starting three years of part one of your MSc you will study mostly the same material as the BSc Course. But on the MSc you will look at the subjects in greater depth and your opinions will develop your thinking skills further. After successful completion of the first three years you will be qualified to apply for membership of the professional body, the BAcC, and go into practice.
