How Ear Acupuncture for Weight Loss Works

Ear acupuncture for weight loss has been practiced for centuries even if the thought of piercing needles into various parts of ones ear sounds strange or kooky.

The ear, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is a micro-system with points that match up some vital organs in the body. Ones appetite can be curbed once the needles are inserted into these points and your binging and overeating can be prevented while your metabolism can be speeded up.

A calming effect will be experienced as endorphins are released after performing ear acupuncture for weight loss. Ones stress, anxiety, and frustration will be relieved with the aid of these endorphins.

What actually lead to overeating and cravings for fattening, unhealthy foods are often ascribed to these feelings.

Laser acupuncture for weight loss is a newer version of ear acupuncture. Similar to needles, this acupuncture also stimulates the same points but with the use of laser.

Digestive and hormonal systems are also affected by the endorphins that are released during ear acupuncture for weight loss by rebalancing them.

The metabolism is therefore slowed down while your determination to keep away from overeating and eating unhealthy foods is fortified.

Increasing the Effectiveness of Ear Acupuncture for Weight Loss

With a tack preceding the piercing of a needle, the acupuncture points on the ear are stimulated. A bead or magnet is taped to the point enabling the augmentation of its efficacy after the needle is inserted.

A patient is required to apply mild pressure to the bead or magnet if he/she starts to feel hungry during the treatment process. In this way, endorphins are released helping the patient to curb his appetite.

Generally, the timetable for ear acupuncture for weight loss treatment is scheduled once or twice a week for 8-12 weeks; it therefore takes time for the patient to attain his desired weight.

The effectiveness of ear acupuncture for weight loss treatment doesnt mean that it is cure-all or miracle. A healthy diet and exercise regimen should be added in order to lose weight with acupuncture.

The capability of the acupuncture in helping you to achieve your weight loss goals speedily and manage your food cravings is somewhat need to be recognized.

Certain points on the ear that match up the mouth for impulsive eaters, the lung for food and sugar addicts, and the endocrine system for water retention are helpful in ear acupuncture for weight loss treatment.

Chinese herbal treatment and breathing techniques are combined with ear acupuncture for best results.

This is for real. Ear acupuncture for weight loss treatment can be the way out to your weight problem and the treatment is proven to be highly effective.

This can help you achieve your weight loss goals easily and quickly more than you expect especially with the help of other treatments and the necessary diet and exercise routine.