Pain From Ovarian Cysts – How Acupuncture And Chinese Herbs Can Help

Any women who has suffered pain from ovarian cysts knows how acute the pain can be and how the symptoms associated with cysts such as bloating, back pain, irregular period and nausea, can be extremely draining and leave her feeling completely wrung out and miserable.

Conventional medicine tends to offer birth control pills, pain killers and, at worst, surgery as her only options for treatment. But the modern day woman is no longer satisfied with this course of action. She doesn’t necessarily want to be taking birth control pills, particularly if she wants to get pregnant, and she is worried of possible side effects with long term usage of any painkillers. The trouble with conventional medicine is that it only masks the symptoms and fails to get to the root of the problem. Whilst it deals with the pain from ovarian cysts, it is only a temporary solution.

More women are looking for alternative treatments that work naturally with their bodies and that don’t produce another set of side effects. Two such treatments are acupuncture and herbs. Chinese medicine views cysts as a collection of stagnant fluid and blood. Whilst it is not life threatening, it is a disruption to the normal bodily processes. Women who have cysts have a hormonal imbalance and are not ovulating regularly. Acupuncture is used to bring balance to the menstrual cycle and hormones and can directly affect ovulation. There are several different acupuncture techniques to help improve the blood flow to the reproductive organs, whilst at the same time optimising ovulation.

Chinese herbs may also be used to help dissolve painful ovarian cysts. Women who generically tend to have cysts may have a set of symptoms that accompany this condition and this could be a sluggish digestion which is causing the body to create excess mucus and dampness. An inefficient digestive system can lead to the formation of dampness in various parts of the body and ovarian cysts. Herbs can be used to improve the digestive system and drain the damp parts that are causing the body to develop points of stagnation.

Acupuncture and herbs are only a small part of the natural treatments that can be used to deal with pain from ovarian cysts and also help to get rid of them completely. No woman should have to endure pain from ovarian cysts month after month nor should she have to keep taking tablets that could be damaging to her health.

So many women are led to believe that medication and surgery are their only options, but trust me when I tell you that alternative and natural treatments can work to effectively relieve the pain from ovarian cysts and dissolve them away.