Having the ability to treat suffering individuals for chronic illness or simply relieving them from stress with the proper touch of your hands is a gift that few posses. However, acupuncture is one such healing method that with proper training, anyone can learn to relieve others from pain and suffering.
Acupuncture – What Is It
China is the birthplace of acupuncture as well as many of the natural healing methods available today. Acupuncture is believed to have been practiced for more than 2000 years and in the past, was taught predominantly through observation. No wide-spread structured classes were taught because it was believed that only a privileged few were worthy enough to hold the knowledge behind the healing powers of acupuncture.
Acupuncture works through stimulation and/or relaxation of the nerves in order to obtain the desired results. The nerves are stimulated through the use of extremely long fine, yet strong needle, when in the right hands works wonders at stimulating the body to attack any disease and to heal itself.
Modern Acupuncture
Due to the fact that acupuncture has shown that it can heal both chronic and superficial disease, interest has continued to grow not only in being treated by those suffering from illness and pain but in getting trained as an acupuncturist. As a result, many schools have been founded where acupuncture is being both practiced and taught. These acupuncturist schools will train you to become a therapist and so you can start healing people.
In addition to acupuncturist schools many acupuncture clinics have established classes for wannabe therapists. Most medium sized cities will have some type of school or clinic that offers training.
For those who already possess a medical background acupuncture courses / training / degrees are usually two years in length but for those who don’t the training is normally longer. Acupuncture courses can be found in the traditional classroom as well as online. However, you still need to ensure you practice at a center recommended by your academy, which has been certified to practice acupuncture.
Why Acupuncture
Obviously the reasons to enter into the field of acupuncture and natural healing are unique for each individual but in essence once you’ve mastered the art and techniques of this ancient method you’ll be able to heal others with the proper touch of your hands without surgery or drugs – you’ll be a doctor without the school loans the bureaucracy of hospitals.
Because acupuncture is natural you treat patients without the fear of side effects. An acupuncturist has the ability to combine the best of a modern acupuncture clinic with ancient traditional Chinese medicine.
For more information on Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, check out the links below.