Traditional Chinese Medicine has been widely studied across the globe for its different but effective treatment. The state of California has developed the California Acupuncture License Exam (CALE) to determine who possess required knowledge to be licensed to practice in the state, looking at the effective health benefits, worldwide demand of oriental medicine, etc. The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) also has been working with the same mission.
Though rewards are higher, getting started with a TCM consulting job is a challenging task because of the tough tests to pass. Highly qualified testing professionals are involved in developing the tests of both CALE and NCCAOM exams. Some steps can help you climb the ladder, successfully pass the exams, shift your professional career path dramatically, and get exposed to a large network that can create many opportunities for you in the future. Below are the most effective but attainable practices to get through these exams:
1.Start your study early and in an organized way: No matter how quick a learner you are, you cannot obtain all required knowledge if proper time is not given. So first and foremost step is to start studying early and analyze what you can do yourself or if you need some help in your test preparation.
2.Focus on the scope of the exam: This is one of the most crucial points to know the scope of your exam, as there is always something to learn. So, learn the concepts you will be tested over. Previous years test papers and current years test syllabus will help you the best in this case. On that basis, you can create sample test papers. When it comes to NCCAOM practice test or acupuncture exam prep, always remember that CALE or NCCAOM tests are prepared by testing professionals who presumably have training and expertise in job analysis, test development, test validity, test assessment, and psychometrics. In addition, they also possess a reasonable degree of statistical sophistication so that they can perform the necessary analyses of the testing data.
3.Have confidence: Be cocky as anything and aim to obtain 100%, as you need to do everything right at the first time while practicing after you land a job. But dont be over confident that can build an attitude you know everything; as said before, there is always a scope of learning.
4.Join the Best Course: Many TCM courses are available around California. You can search for the best that can guide you in an organized way. However, it is always advised to check their degrees of the guides, reputation, and dedication to make you successful.
All these points should help you move in the right direction to pass CALE and NCCAOM exams. TCM Review Seminars is one of the best courses to join. They create, organize, and present the essential information to provide you with guides and preparation services for these tests. Get started with your preparations with TCM Review Seminars, today. Good luck!