Acupuncture is a technique that originally came from China of which has been practices in China for many decades. There are however records of acupuncture being used during the early 20th century in Europe and thereafter rapidly spread to other countries. This is an alternative technique that involves inserting extremely thin needles into a patient skin at specific acupuncture points on the body. Scientists are still unsure how this technique works, although the technique has proved fruitful with regards to pain relief, and chemotherapy patients have reported that acupuncture alleviates nausea. The Chinese use the meridians through which vital chi energy runs, even though the scientific proof is inconclusive that acupuncture or meridians exist.
The World health Organization has stated that there are twenty eight conditions that are effectively treated with acupuncture, and treatments such as this have an effective value. However, scientists and doctors still find acupuncture controversial. Due to the invasive nature of acupuncture, scientific controls and case studies, a clinical study requires a placebo in order to compare treatments. However, the principals involving acupuncture are acknowledged in science, and one does not require any philosophy to practice or make acupuncture work. Acupuncture clinic North Sydney Eastwood has found that people suffering from migraines or headaches, acupuncture treatments alleviate the symptoms. Studies carried out at a university proved that acupuncture therapy done twice a week on patients suffering from debilitating symptoms of xerostomia that have had head and neck radiation treatment for cancer, proved fruitful.
People that have been treated with acupuncture for abdominal distension reported that they never had a recurrence after treatment. In todays times many alternative practitioners including physiotherapist use acupuncture therapy on patients. The needles used for acupuncture are thinner that human hair, and when inserted most patients do not feel the needles being inserted. Acupuncture treatments are effective for neck and shoulder stiffness and tension. There is an acupuncture point just below the hairline at the top of the neck which is closely connected to the eye called fuchi; this is the meridian that relieves stiffness and tension in the neck and shoulders. Oriental medicine refers to the region between the shoulder blades as the heart reflex and this area depicts a patients emotional state.
Due to constant emotional and mental stress tension down the left shoulders blades indicates prolonged inhibition of the parasympathetic nervous system and hyper sympathetic activity. Acupuncture balances the nervous system and can also be used in conjunction with heat therapy to induce a relaxation response. Scientists are now acknowledging that emotional stress affects the bodys overall physical condition and can lead to more serious illnesses. This is where acupuncture can be of great value.