The Seattle fertility acupuncture clinic treats the whole person for optimum health and wellbeing
The Seattle fertility acupuncture clinic treats the whole person for optimum health and wellbeing; Chinese medicine is an ancient form of healing and is many centuries old and combines herbal treatments and remedies, massage therapies, natural medications and perhaps the most well known art of acupuncture. Acupuncture is a safe and proven therapy practiced by skilled artisans, and is used to treat many ailments and conditions; arthritis, migraines, raised blood pressure, digestive tract issues and fertility issues among many others. Acupuncture as a fertility aid for women who are having issues conceiving naturally is a non invasive method of treatment, doesn’t require the patient to keep to a rigid timetable when trying to conceive, neither does it have any harmful effects, after effects or side effects. The way in which it works with the most basic of explanations is that is stimulates and increases blood supply to the ovarian tissue, thereby helping negate the fertility imbalances which many women have issues with. Just as with any therapy it returns different measures of success depending on the physiology of the individual patient; however, the percentage of success in women who have fertility issues is exponentially greater than in other forms of conventional, more invasive treatments and modern drug treatments. Acupuncture treatment combined with traditional herbal remedies and medications is a revered form of medicine and it is only now becoming more recognized with mainstream medical professionals, and research is showing that acupuncture as an alternative therapy has many benefits and no downside. For more information about the services and treatments available at the Seattle fertility acupuncture clinic Tree of Life, log on to the website today, the address of which is