Traditional Acupuncture and Moxibustion

One of the most sought-acupuncture materials for patients and physicians used by specialists to treat problems related to body cooling is moxibustion. Moxibustion is one of the auxiliary materials in the acupuncture treatment of muscle pain, respiratory problems, cooling the body or only to accelerate the movement or flow of energy through the channels or acupuncture points where the needles have been placed. The story begins in Eastern moxibustion before the onset of acupuncture needles, where it was used to treat diseases of the body related to or caused by damp weather. With the emergence of acupuncture needles, moxa became the perfect complement to practice today, along with many other materials of acupuncture (such as point detectors and stimulators, etc…) Make the ancient practice easier and successful. The moxa are made from a plant called mugwort or mugwort leaves are dried and are given in the form of cigarette or cigar. It is part of the materials used acupuncture in China, Vietnam, Japan, Korea, Tibet and Mongolia. By burning may be used close to the patient’s skin, or milled and used directly onto the acupuncture needles. The moxa is used individually or as auxiliary materials for heating acupuncture points on the body areas and in order to stimulate the circulatory system. It is effective against colds, muscle cooling and evidence that helps the fetus head fits when it is granted. The moxa is used, along with the acupuncture needles to treat diseases in the pelvic area and uterus, for the treatment of chronic diseases, conditions of extreme weakness. The moxa is lit on the acupuncture points, which may or may not be stimulated by acupuncture needles. The moxa may be used directly on the skin, using a barrier that prevents damage thereon, using a layer on the skin to avoid ginger blisters, passing on the points to be stimulated. Another use of moxa, is to use it with acupuncture needles inserted into the skin (such as acupuncture auxiliary material), is passed over the point moxa heating the skin and circulating energy in the desired direction. It is important to be extremely careful with the use of moxa in both cases, as it can cause burns to the skin or hair around the area worked. If the moxa heat is very intense, should be withdrawn immediately, and should be applied to clean, dry skin. As with any traditional medical treatment, alternative, using the technique of moxibustion. Whether used individually or as auxiliary material acupuncture, should take into account that must be applied by a specialist prior diagnosis of disease.