What is Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient system of medicine using fine needles to create subtle changes and adjustments in our body’s energy network in order to influence bodily functions. Acupuncture does this through a meridian system that covers our body, in other words it works on the pathways of energy circulation. It is thanks to the meridian system that an acupuncturist can energise certain areas of the body which need more blood and energy flow, or diffuse a painful stagnation that creates an inflammatory condition. Its gentle influence works holistically over the whole body, finely tuning the body functions such as body temperature, heart rate, breathing and muscle tone. Thus the influence extends over our digestive organs, sleep pattern, and our emotions.
Who does acupucture treat?
Acupuncture has been used in China for all kinds of health problems, as well as prevention of illness for over 3000 years. Modern western research recognises the use of acupuncture for backache, migraine, infertility, pregnancy management, asthma, nausea and many other conditions. Acupuncture is suitable for everyone: old, young, and for babies and children. For babies and children we use special tools rather than needles and treatment is only brief, so they soon begin to enjoy the sensation.
Conditions that acupuncture treats:
Since all illness is a result of an imbalance of energy in the body acupuncture can be used for almost any acute or chronic illness. It is a very safe and gentle method to treat a very large range of conditions such as:
-Hormonal problems -Menstrual disturbances -Migraines and headaches -Digestive problems -Auto-immune disorders -Gynaecological problems -Pregnancy-prenatal and postnatal management -infertility -Depression, anxiety and insomnia -Chronic fatigue conditions -Back problems -Joint pain: arthritis, both osteo and rheumatoid. Joint problems such as 50 year old shoulder, knee problem, tennis elbow etc. -Post operative problems -Allergic conditions -Common cold -Cough
Acupuncture treatment
Chinise Medicine takes into account not only the disease symptoms but also the individual’s lifestyle, temperament and emotion, habits, diet, work, and inherited traits. Therefore an acupuncturist tries to build a picture of the patient against the backdrop of the 21st century environment in order to consider his/her unique pattern of disharmony that has arisen. This is the reason why you may be asked all kinds of questions during the first consultation. Once diagnosis is established, you are asked to lie on the couch and the acupuncturist will feel your abdomen and radial pulse. You may be asked to show your tongue as well. This part will give the acupuncturist useful information on involved meridians and selection of points he/she wants to use for the treatment. Then very fine needles are inserted on the several points of the body: needles are so fine it is virtually painless. A feeling of relaxation will gradually prevail over the whole person, but some people can even feel subtle energy movement in the various parts of the body. It takes altogether about 1 hour for the first treatment but subsequent ones are 45 minutes.
What happens after treatment?
Progress depends very much on the individual’s state of Qi and blood. Acute conditions may not take many treatments, while for chronic conditions one needs to allow more time so that the body that produced the disease has time to heal and the meridians can become revitalised again.
Brackenbury Clinic in Hammersmith, West London hosts a team of highly qualified practitioners in over 25 natural therapies.
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